What Does The Catholic Church Teach About the Eucharist? | With Troy Guy

Catholic Apologist and speaker Troy Guy joins me to discuss the source and summit of our faith, the holy Eucharist. We discuss what the Eucharist is, the Biblical basis for it, and the early church view on it. He also discusses how he came to the realization that the Catholic church teaching is true while a Baptist. It is a great reminder of what we receive.

Learn more about Troy and his amazing ministry by visiting https://discoverhischurch.com/

About Troy: Troy founded Discover His Church Media to help Catholics defend their faith against ongoing attacks from both secular culture and anti-Catholic fundamentalists. His book, Evangelical Catholic, describes his experience discovering the Catholic faith and presents the indisputable Biblical and historical evidence that led him to convert. Troy manages an engineering laboratory for the design and development of commercial space systems. He has served as lead engineer on the Sierra Nevada Corporation Dream Chaser lifting-body spacecraft. He was a principal engineer on the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory Spacecraft and the ORION spacecraft while at Lockheed Martin Space Systems. Troy began his professional career in nuclear science, performing high energy-density experiments for physics-based weapon and fundamental research programs at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. He holds degrees in Electrical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering, and Physics from the University of Houston and Texas A&M University. In addition, he is an FAA certified commercial pilot and flight instructor of multi-engine airplanes.


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