Critical Race Theory Is Incompatible With Catholicism | with David L Gray

David L Gray joins me today to discuss Critical Race Theory (#crt). We discuss how the theory developed and how it has been applied. David also discusses how the theory looks at everything through the lens of race and does not look at other factors to determine causes. David also explains how CRT runs contrary to church teaching and cannot fit into Catholicism. It is an interesting discussion.

Learn more about David by visiting his website at www.davidlgray.INFO

#davidlgray #crt #criticalracetheory #criticalracetheoryandcatholicism #whatiscriticalracetheory

About David: Born in 1972, David L. Gray is an American Catholic Theologian and Historian, and the President and Publisher of Saint Dominic’s Media. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Central State University (Ohio) and a Masters of Arts in Catholic Theology from Ohio Dominican University. His published work, ‘Inside Prince Hall (Freemasonry)’ predates his conversion to Catholicism. He currently resides in the Greater Saint Louis area with his wife Felicia. They are active in the Queen of Peace Catholic community on Scott Air Force Base. David is an On-Air Radio Personality for the Guadalupe Radio Network ‘The David L. Gray Show: Voicing Truth and Reason‘, which airs every Wednesday on the global GRN at 4pm CST.


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