
Showing posts from July, 2019

Interview with Catholic Convert, author, and speaker Orlando Javien

This week I have the privilege or interviewing Orlando Javien.  He is a Catholic Convert, author, and a catholic speaker listed on . We discuss how he came to Christ, and eventually to his church.  It is an enlightening interview with tips on understanding the communion of saints and how to help teach the faith to middle schoolers.  Visit his website at to learn more about his ministry.  Also don't forget to checkout .

Perpetual Virginity and Assumption of Mary with Tom Perna - Know the Faith. Defend the Faith 04

In this week's episode our guest Tom Perna explains two Marian Dogmas that are misunderstood by our Protestant friends.  Those Dogmas are the perpetual virginity of and the Assumption of Mary.  Understanding both has huge implications in explaining and defending the Catholic Faith.  

Divine Revelation - Know the Faith. Defend the Faith 03

In this week's episode I discuss what divine revelation is and its desired impact on our lives.  Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition make up the full counsel of God and taught to us by the Magisterium. What is divine revelation?  Through the mercy of God, He has decided to make His will known by various means.  This was necessary so that we can draw near to the Father, through the son, and with assistance of the Holy Spirit to participate in the divine nature ( Dei Verbum , para 2). Don't forget to visit our website at .

Three Ways - Know the Faith. Defend the Faith 02

Our children are a precious gift from the Lord, and we have a sacred duty to teach them about the Catholic faith.  In this week's episode I give three ways that we can teach our children about our great faith.

Answering Atheism - Know the Faith. Defend the Faith 01

Welcome to the first episode of Know the Faith, Defend the Faith.  In this first episode I answer a couple different objections to God that are often thrown the Theist's way.  In this episode I touch on the problem of evil, morality, and reasons for God.    Visit our website at If you would like William to be a guest on your show or event please mail him at .